Contact us
You can contact us at any time with your questions or remarks.
Contact Information
Adverse Event (drug reaction/side effect) Reporting
Teva’s Pharmacovigilance team email
Teva’s Pharmacovigilance team:
Clinical Trial Information
Clinicaltrials.gov is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.
Contact Decision Tree Block
This component provides the contact details by displaying them as answers for frequently asked questions, mapped by topic, and category.
It can also be used to display content for other purpose as well.
Form capabilities:
Sending the form to Email -
- All data filled out on the form by end customers will sent by e-mail to the form's owner.
- The form can be sent to different emails per topic selected.
- It is possible to add digital signature by hand/mouse.
In this case, a copy of the completed form will be sent to the local owner including the customer's signature.
- The end customers can also receive an e-mail "Thank you for your inquiry" in there e-mail.
Variety of filling fields -
Free text, Single selection, Multiple selection, Selection from a manually entered list or from a list of products according to the product catalog on the current website, including Auto-suggest, Branching fields, Mandatory fields, Fields according to patterns.